
business Investor

Wigton Energy to build out 70MW of solar over the next two years

Wigton Energy Limited (“WIG”) has advised that an Addendum to the Wigton Windfarm Limited (Wigton I) Generation Licence, 2023 has been executed between the Minister of Science, Energy, Telecommunications and Transport (“Minister”) and WIG effective November 21, 2024.  The Addendum now provides for the generation of electricity under the Licence utilising solar power instead of wind power.   There has also been agreement on renaming the Licence to the Wigton Energy Limited Generation Licence, 2023.

Investor Investor Relations JSE

Wigton Windfarm Limited (“WIG”) – Cessation of the Limitation on Shareholdings

Wigton Windfarm Limited (“WIG” or the “Company”) has advised that as per the Company’s Articles of Incorporation (“Articles”) the Entrenched Articles (Limitations on Shareholdings) which provides for the special rights redeemable preference share of J$1.00 (“Special Share”) held by the Accountant General of Jamaica and the ten percent (10%) shareholding limit will cease to have any effect on the expiration of the Entrenchment Period.