At Wigton Windfarm Limited’s Annual General Meeting on October 21, 2020 some of the questions submitted by shareholders were not answered due to time constrains. The Company’s leadership made a commitment to provide answers to any remaining questions after the meeting. Please see below answers to the outstanding questions.
Yes, Wigton has explored other modes of energy generation. However, as it regards the existing lands, the mining plans of the bauxite companies has curtailed solar installation, but the company continues to seek out other energy projects and sites.
In expanding its commercial operations Wigton will evaluate all viable options available and determine the appropriate financial and operational structure for each project or venture.
At this juncture, all options are on the table. As projects are identified, the appropriate financial instrument will be applied.
Wigton’s operating plants are adequately insured.
Yes, Wigton sells energy as available so the Company is not curtailed in any way.
Wigton does not currently provide energy solutions for individual households. Should a viable opportunity emerge in this line of business in the future then it will be given due consideration.